Mission international

the world

Right now we are reaching people in over 45 countries with the good message about Jesus Christ. Our work is theologically based on the Lausanne Covenant.

OUR mission

God has given believers the responsibility of spreading the Gospel to all the world, and we need to use all at our disposal to accomplish this task.
Theodore Epp

Unreached people

More than 2 Billion people have not heard the Gospel. We are working in different way to reach these people with the Good News.

The Great Mission

Jesus gave his disciples a call to go into all the world with the gospel. We continue to work with this mission including through new media.

The Good News

The Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ creates freedom. It is our most important issue. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was nothing.

People can see and listen to the Good News about Jesus Christ all over the world through cell phones, tablets and laptops.
(The video below is from Phil Cooke Channel on You Tube. Used with permission – www.philcooke.com)


Mission International is a non profit organisation with a broad reach with their websites and social media work. About 200 000 is reached each 24 hour. The organisation has developed different web pages like www.jesus.se and www.jesus.eu and has over 1,4 Million followers on fb.com/jesusforall. Mission International is also active in street evangelism and other forms of evangelization.

Million reached


Ongoing Projects

Web sites

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You can be a part of spreading the Gospel to the Ends of the World through effective channels today!

That includes Internet Pages, Social Media, Books, Magazines, Video, Street evangelism and Music…


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